Monday, May 29, 2006

Three rose posts in one day? Inconceivable!

It's amazing what a very hot, humid Midwestern day will do to roses. If you haven't looked at the other rose posts below go do that now. I took those pictures between 8 and 10 a.m. I took this next group of pictures around 7 p.m. this evening. Some of the roses look quite different.

Ok, remember that pretty lavender rose Sterling Silver at the bottom of my first rose post. (Scroll down; you'll find it.) It was just beginning to think about unfurling it's beauty. This is it after a day in the sun.
This next one is Pretty Lady, most of whose buds were not even really thinking about opening this morning.
Remember that Double Delight bloom with all the red, the center of which was still tightly furled? Here it is this evening. QUITE different.
These next two are Queen Elizabeth, a grandiflora. This first one was nowhere near even beginning to open this morning.
This one completely unfurled was only slightly open, not even as much as the one above. By end of day tomorrow it will be done. :(
I couldn't get any good pictures of my old-fashioned rose on the fence. It's still mostly buds, but the few that were looking like they might open today or tomorrow? Completely spent to the point of dropping petals in less than a day! I am NOT happy. >:( How can I enjoy them when they're done so quickly? :( *sigh*

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